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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Leaders Character Is Competition Wrong?

Is Competition Wrong?

It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. (Proverbs 16:19)

To me, there is nothing like the tension of a 3-2 pitch late in a Major League Baseball contest or a 4th and long play near the end of a big football game. Competitive juices flow as these world-class athletes reach deep to win games. The competitive spirit and the desire to win is part of the DNA of an athlete.

Unfortunately, that same sense of competition often overflows into our personal lives. I am not saying competition is wrong. There are many situations where competitiveness can be healthy and productive, such as in athletics and business. It can push us toward excellence in our work. But for those who are followers of Jesus, the competitive spirit needs to be turned down in relationships.

What I am talking about is being competitive with others for self-interest or self-promotion. It might show up as slandering someone to make ourselves look better or manipulating others to gain a better position. Jesus is pretty clear on how his followers are to interact with others. He set the example by taking on the profile of meekness, that of a servant.

Check out this definition of meekness: strength under control. A few synonyms for “meek” are patient, yielding, unassuming, peaceful, calm, or soft.

It may be time for us to examine our competitive spirits and see if they have affected our relationships in an ungodly way. Do we reflect the attitude of Jesus while we are at work, in our marriages, or in our spiritual journey?

Here are a few verses for meditation:

You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Philippians. 2:3-4)

Pause and Reflect:

Where have you expressed an unhealthy competitive motivation in your daily life? Recall two or three glaring examples and pray that God would transform your heart so that you reflect the humility and servanthood of Christ.

– LeaderSource SGA

Tom Roy
Tom Roy
Tom Roy is the President and Founder of UPI. After a very brief time in the S.F. Giants organization, Tom went on to a career in radio, taking his first job in West Virginia. Shortly after that he felt the call of God to pursue a college degree and enrolled at Grace College in Winona Lake, IN. Upon completion of that degree he took a head baseball coaching job at a local high school for three years. He continued in that profession, coaching also at the college level for nine  years. In 1979 God put UPI on Tom and Carin's hearts. In 1980 the ministry became a reality.  Tom ministered to players through chapels, in camps and clinics for 28 years. He has had the honor to serve Christ through UPI in many venues, including speaking and conducting clinics in over 60 countries. Tom and Carin reside in Winona Lake, Indiana and have two daughters, Amy and Lindsay, and six grandchildren (Hannah, Luke, Faith, Tommy, Sam and Lainey). In January of 2008 he assumed the role of President/Founder and now finds himself working with the advancement of the ministry as well as staying in contact with “UPI alumni” and caring for ballplayers through counseling.


  1. Being 55 and near death from the flu and complications it was revealed to me that “Business Competition is Wrong”, manufacturers should be supporting each other with winning cultural behaviors and helping their fellow man. Companies should not dictate their own corporate goals (of greedy % of growth and profits) onto employees. Capitalism needs to be modified…else you will have children in underdeveloped countries being mined and abused. Competition is wrong… it breeds greed in a unhealthy culture of stress. God showed me this last night


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