Marginalized employees ‒ they are in your organization, right now. They’re on the fringes. They are the people who don’t join in. What lessons does Jesus’ life teach us about putting our arms around these people and insuring they feel valued as well?
The world hungers for and desperately needs institutions that practice forgiveness well enough to train us in failure, that tell the truth and that teach ways of repair. Without such institutions, it is, quite simply, difficult even to breathe.
I suppose we should never expect anyone to receive our help if we are unwilling to hear any questions about our actions. If I myself do not receive correction well, then I can pretty much count on it that my “helpful suggestions” will be rebuffed. So, the first step in helping others to be aware is to be open to such help yourself! Take the lead and let others know how much you need their “peer review.”
As ye would that men should do unto to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). So if you want others to be helped by you, set the trend by receiving, and even inviting help from them.
I was in a meeting once with a group of leaders. It wasn’t until noon that someone was kind enough to inform me that my sweater vest was on inside out!
I suppose we should never expect anyone to receive our help if we are unwilling to hear any questions about our actions. If I myself do not receive correction well, then I can pretty much count on it that my “helpful suggestions” will be rebuffed. So, the first step in helping others to be aware is to be open to such help yourself! Take the lead and let others know how much you need their “peer review.”
As ye would that men should do unto to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). So if you want others to be helped by you, set the trend by receiving, and even inviting help from them.
I was in a meeting once with a group of leaders. It wasn’t until noon that someone was kind enough to inform me that my sweater vest was on inside out!