Brittney Moses
http://www.unashamedimpact.comBrittney Moses, a young happily married wife of Jonnese Moses and mother to Austin, is passionate about seeing this generation live on purpose. In June 2012, the Los Angeles native founded a worldwide organization called Unashamed Impact, encouraging young leaders to rise to their calling and be proactive in their cities through leadership development and community outreach.
10 Things Holding Leaders Back From Their Full Potential
We can't change what we’re not willing to confront. We all struggle with overcoming obstacles and personal flaws in our lives as growing leaders. As our maturity and the grace of God allow us to deal with issues such as fear, communication, and inconsistency, we will see tremendous growth in our lives and the lives of those we lead.
3 Fears that Paralyze Potential
Although we may be highly motivated by a unique calling to serve, we often face numerous barriers along the path towards more effective leadership. Brittney shares a few of the potential hindrances that she has faced in her own time as a servant leader.
4 Strategies to Connect with Others
Ever feel like someone is not paying attention to you when they are not looking at you? How about when you are talking and they are tapping on a screen? What does that body language say when someone is trying to communicate with you? God has put you into other people’s lives on purpose. How can we as Christian leaders be a better representation of Christ to our family and friends – to the ones that know us the best and get under our skin the most?
Mastering Stewardship when Leading
There are no straight lines when leading humans. Many times leaders find themselves having a hard time keeping others dedicated, driven and passionate in the process. What’s the best way to keep a team invested so we’re not left carrying the burden of all the work?
You Are Not a Failure
A lighthouse stands firm when storm waves crash over treacherous rocks along the shoreline. It shines a light of encouragement over the dark waves toward wary seafarers. Christian leaders can feel tossed about in the storms of trials and troubles, and the truths Brittney shares can be the same beacon of encouraging light as a lighthouse on a dark night.
Hurt by the Church?
Not only is there healing and recovery for those who have experienced church hurt but you can learn powerful and positive life-changing lessons on the journey. What happens when Christians aren't behaving like Christians?
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