Above all, self-awareness is voluntary. The information we gain can only be applied by us — no one can force us to use what we learn about ourselves. But for the willing and the courageous, any chance to be crafted into a better leader will be welcome.
What we learn over time is not only that the Chef’s table is the best place to dine, but also how to order. No longer do we try to send it back when we get something not to our liking. Sometimes we even order exactly the right thing. Most of the time, though, we learn to say, “Whatever the Chef thinks is best.” He delivers and we eat, maybe not always with relish but always to our health and satisfaction.
I’ve experienced one that I believe often trips leaders up. It’s called the confirmation bias. It’s a thinking bias that looks for information that supports our preexisting attitudes, beliefs, and actions. So, how can leaders counter the confirmation bias?
We millennials need to realize our own callings, based on God’s Word matched with the calling and capabilities He has given us (1 Peter 4:10-11), or we won’t end up doing anything significant in this short life we have. We cannot waste any more time comparing our own lives and callings to those we see around us.
Leaders tell me they wish their people had more ideas ‒ creative and innovative suggestions that will improve the organization. Maybe we don't know how to ask.
It only makes sense when you wake up to the fact that, as a leader, you need to manage diverse gifts, personalities, and talents to have an effective team.
Something significant happens when a small group of people, as few as two, hit the highway. If they’re open to God’s Spirit joining them, a simple trip from here to there becomes transformational.
Sailing seems to be only action: flying over the water, leaping over the white crests, slicing through the sea spray. But without thoughtful consideration the boat won’t take you where you want to go. The world is not changed by people who think. The world is changed by people who act. The world is changed well by people who think and act.
I want to be like Christ and I want it now. I want God’s blessings and I want them now. I want my church to be huge and I want it now. But God doesn’t work that way. God begins His work with seeds hidden in the earth and babies in mangers.