I’ve been working with some leaders recently who are persevering through perennial and seemingly unrelenting loss. Their hearts are asking, “Is the struggle God’s...
Are you suffering today? Run to Jesus, your sympathetic High Priest. Unlike politicians, He really does feel your pain and He really can give you exactly what you need.
When we talk of attractiveness we usually think of our outward appearance, but of course our looks account for such a small percentage. Our attractiveness has much more to do with the depth of our relationship with God, the fruit of the Spirit growing from our lives and how we behave and interact with people.
The big deal Jesus made about gratefulness in the one leper (and the lack thereof in the nine), points to the high value He places on a grateful heart. I believe leaders above all should evidence a grateful heart. Evaluate your level of gratefulness against these three gratefulness indicators.
I’ve been in many church offices where I observe walled-off office after walled-off office. Collaboration is paramount to a healthy church culture. Even if you are the only paid staff member you still need to be collaborating internally on projects, creativity, and other things.
Jesus declared that His view of success and effectiveness was directly tied to His obedience to the Father, not to an organization. We often put too much faith, confidence, and belief in the organization as though the institution is what matters. We make the mistake of measuring our effectiveness, our success, by whether or not the institution is growing.
Let’s be careful that we don’t by-pass relationship with God to get on with the activity, and start worshiping at the altar of what we do For Him. Jesus was very careful to point out that what He did was through the authority God gave Him. He also worked at maintaining that close relationship with His Father.
That little yellow mask that drops down from the ceiling in an airplane gives life-saving oxygen in a depressurized cabin. Oxygen is something that we take for granted while our feet are firmly planted on the ground. Sam discusses how our relationship with God is as crucial to leadership life support as oxygen is to the physical body. He outlines how self-deception toward responsibilities can be as detrimental to the physical body as lack of oxygen.