It’s easy to look at our brothers and sisters and see their warts and blemishes. Yet the perfect One, the holy One, the One without a single imperfection doesn’t look on His people the way we often do.
In our reshaping day and age of fluid culture, society and Church, what are the truest healthy signs of Christian leadership? At the epicenter of our Christian cultures today, what are the real, timeless essentials that we have to gather around? Are you confident that the culture you’re a part of today is truly biblical?
I know if you’re a child of God and trusting in Christ, He has called you to Himself and to others. So serve people and God by pressing into the ordinary fullness of life.
Ultimately, God has made us ‒ even as leaders ‒ to connect best with other specific people. We must wholeheartedly seek them out and refuse to settle for second best by sometimes saying “no” to certain people in order to say “yes” to others.
This week I sat through a lecture covering evangelical Christianity’s lack of diversity. The professor made his way through his material and arrived at...
We know how important leadership is. Leaders provide role models and establish the level of trust. We have rightly focused on leader development. But...