A large number of high-profile Christian leaders stumble on moral issues not by ignorance but by the hidden traps of authority and freedom they enjoy. A healthy blend of character, competency, and openness to God boils down to integrity of heart in a healthy leader who makes a lasting difference.
Sometimes, God will tell you to do things that make no sense in the short distance between your nose and the rocks of obstacles and defeats. Once in a while we can get a glimpse of the big picture and see how it makes perfect sense.
Wouldn’t it be great if life had a delete button? We could easily erase all of our mistakes. Then again, would it be so great? How would we experience the Father’s great love and mercy?
Sometimes life moves quickly like fast-moving traffic. Sometimes we make a wrong turn and get stuck in a life traffic-jam, and then choose to stay there. We aren’t caring for others because we are too busy coddling ourselves. We are (and are choosing to be) ineffective in God’s Kingdom.
Not only is there healing and recovery for those who have experienced church hurt but you can learn powerful and positive life-changing lessons on the journey. What happens when Christians aren't behaving like Christians?
I know that other artists feel the same spiritual connection that I do while creating. I hear artists talk about it a lot. However, I've noticed that most artists don’t talk about this experience in relationship to Jesus.
“I was helping to train an overseas group of emerging leaders and seeking to impart skills to them for understanding the New Testament. Together we were noticing how Jesus, at first, hid Himself from a couple of disciples (Luke 24:13-16). Then as they walked, while His identity was hidden, He showed them how all the Scriptures spoke of Him (v. 25-27).”
Most of us are so busy ministering to, or leading and managing others, that we do a poor job of managing ourselves. I want to share powerful principles, from Jesus’ example, for avoiding burn-out ourselves, and to identify the root cause of what often drives us to such destructive lifestyles or behaviors.