The process of talking and praying about focus groups is challenging, but it is a discussion that can result in good things for God’s glory and Christ’s Gospel.
Leaders should aim to never be a bottleneck in the process of building a healthy and growing organization. Here are seven bottlenecks a leader must avoid.
The title varies (e.g., Minister of Music, Worship Pastor, Song Leader, etc.), but the task is generally the same. Here are some of things others have most affirmed about worship leaders, followed by concerns most often raised.
We were working with 25 Mothers’ Union community development coordinators from across South Africa. As part of our training, my co-facilitator performed a monologue of how it must have felt to be the woman who encountered Jesus at the well (John 4).
I don’t mean that we’re “broken” in the sense that we’re rendered useless by our imperfections. The opposite is actually true. We’re made more useful, and we discover our greatest purpose through our pain and suffering.
In our reshaping day and age of fluid culture, society and Church, what are the truest healthy signs of Christian leadership? At the epicenter of our Christian cultures today, what are the real, timeless essentials that we have to gather around? Are you confident that the culture you’re a part of today is truly biblical?