Articles in this category focus on rejoicing in the community of other believers, how to build and nurture community, and how to better reflect Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters in the faith.
The church is in disunity for several reasons including gossip, self-serving leaders and lack of prayer. This breakdown of unity severely hinders our mission of reaching the lost and building the Kingdom of God.
Leaders need people they can trust to give them honest feedback, however uncomfortable. Without such people, leaders will not see their blind spots. They will lose their humility. Their growth will be stunted.
Studies have linked empathy to greater patient satisfaction, better outcomes, decreased physician burnout, and a lower risk of malpractice suits and errors. Doctors need to understand people, not just science, and healthy leaders need to cultivate empathy in order to affect the lives of those around them.
How often have we been challenged by the “problem of evil”? If there really is a “God,” then why is there so much suffering and evil in the world? In fact the existence of evil, and our distress over the unfairness of it – this angst over evil ‒ is a strong evidence that there is a powerful God who cares!
The work of creation involved the whole Godhead. No individual is inferior, yet team leadership doesn’t eliminate the value of a principal leader or director. The team together has all the gifts and capabilities necessary to lead effectively.
As summer approaches, ministry leaders in many churches will spend time recruiting and training new leaders to serve in their church’s kids ministry, the youth ministry, and to lead groups and classes for adults. If you are approached and asked, here are six reasons you should say yes.
When you next encounter someone who is proclaiming a false christ, or someone who announces their belief in no Christ at all, have the confidence of your convictions to ‒ instead of arguing or debating ‒ lead in prayer and in spiritual authority. Then, in a moment of faith, trust that the living, breathing, all-consuming Jesus Christ will emerge in the moment to lovingly confound every spirit of darkness.
I’m a dad. I’m also a son. And it occurred to me recently that there are certain things that kids need from their dad. In fact, as I pondered the whole idea of fatherhood, I recall several examples in the Bible of “dad gifts” that were passed on to children. I think any dad would benefit from considering these, and, if you didn’t get these from your dad, there’s a pleasant surprise for you at the end of this article.
Many leaders believe that good organizational culture means the absence of discord among their people. Their focus is on agreeing and getting along. But productivity remains elusive.